Friday, June 3, 2011

Daily Mission from National Running Day: It's a Sign

I'm on It's a pretty fantastic website for tracking your workouts, keeping up with other runners, looking for races and a lot of other really nifty running crap. I've also got friends on there who track their workouts for cycling, triathalons, and general fitness. Good stuff.

One of the features of the dailymile that can be hit or miss is the daily mission. The folks who run the website throw out a question and us insane folks who are on there answer. What's your go-to pre-race meal? Why do you run? Do you prefer big city venues or small town races?

June 1st was National Running Day. I don't make the rules, I just relay them. Anyway, they definitely had a hit for the daily mission. The question:

What's the best/most inspirational/memorable/funniest sign you've seen at a race?

I'm posting them here so that I don't lose them because some of them made me literally laugh out loud... oh, great, runner humor. You're welcome....

"that isn't sweat! it's your fat cells crying!"

" Run like your Mother-in-law is chasing you."

"Kenyans quit at 26.2 miles" - this was for an ultra.

"Your feet hurt from kicking so much ass!"

"Run fast - angry bees are chasing you!"

"I trained for 6 months to hold this sign."

"toenails are overrated"

"Chuck Norris never ran a marathon."

"Don't think. Run."

"Why 26.2? Because 26.3 would be just to damn far!"

"Should I be worried about what's chasing you people??"

"YOU'RE WINNING!" (this was with a picture of Charlie Sheen)

"This is a lousy parade!"

"You are stronger than this hill"

"You're beating everyone who's home on the couch!"

"Did you know the first marathoner died right after he got to Athens?"

"Run like an angry Kenyan!"

"You run better than Sarah Palin."

"I won't lie to you and say you're almost finished, because you're not!" (at mile 10 of a half marathon... depends on how you're feeling if you feel "almost finished" or not)

"Life is short...running makes it seem longer"

"At mile 24, even atheists pray" (I'll let you know if this one's true... I think the more likely option is that I will start hallucinating).

"Shouldn't you be running a marathon right now?" (inside the portapotty at an ironman... that's frickin' cruel).

"Keep moving. You don't have a fucking choice."

"think a marathon is hard, ask me about my girlfriends chemotherapy". Ouch dude.

"Your body is stronger than you think it is".


"Don't poop your pants!"

"I dont do Marathons. I do Marathon runners." (Oh yeah baby)

"Put your big girl panties on and deal with it!"

Sign 1: Your legs will forgive you...
Sign 2 (100 yards beyond): ...Eventually.

"Beer run?"

"Keep running! Better you than me."

"May the course be with you!" (NERDGASM!)

"This is fun. You're on vacation."

My favorite?

"Finishing is your only fucking option."

And here's some more runner porn, i.e. pictures of people crazier than runners... people who watch runners.


  1. Comment posted at a marathon:
    "You find out what you're made of when you see what it takes to stop you."

  2. I'm not sure how I was unclear when I said not to ever contact me again.
